Wednesday, May 20, 2009

In the beginning...

So, I’m trying something new.  Trying to catch up with the technological advances of our day.  Last year I set up a facebook account, last week I figured out skype…and now I’m starting a blog.  Who knows what’s next, I may even attempt to figure out twitter!

In all seriousness, I wanted to create a blog so I can share some of the amazing ways God has been working in my life.  You know that feeling when you have some news and you’re just so excited to share it with someone?  Well, that seems to be my whole life lately. 

As I was taking an Old Testament class this past semester, my professor, Mrs. Midkiff, continued to point out God’s progressive revelation in the Bible.  This is the belief that God did not give full theological knowledge to humans in the beginning. Rather, God gradually revealed truth over time.  He did this at a rate slow enough that humans were capable of fully absorbing them.  For example, Genesis 3:15 mentions that the offspring of Eve would crush the serpent (Satan).  Although it does not actually give Jesus’ name, God reveals this many years later when Jesus defeated the Devil through his death and resurrection. Progressive revelation is not the belief that God is continuing to deliver new truths today, but that God has revealed his nature and character fully through the Bible and left us with the resource to understand the past, present, and future through his Word alone.  In a similar way, I feel like God also demonstrates this by revealing mysteries in our own lives. Many times we cannot figure out why we are going through certain situations…but God knows.  We are not meant to begin our journey with all the pieces of the puzzle.  He chooses to reveal one piece at a time to us when he knows it is best for us.  Sometimes he even chooses not to reveal why, but one day we will be able to look back and see the complete picture.  Therefore, I decided to blog so that not only I could reflect back on this “Mysterious Journey” and see the evidences of God’s hand in my life, but so others could see it too.  May you be encouraged at how God is at work in my life and in yours.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited about your blog and seeing how God is at work in yours and Josh's life. It's hard being hundreds of miles away, but I'm thankful my best friend has caught up with technology, so I can somewhat feel like I'm there right along with you. :)
