Thursday, October 14, 2010


So, I haven’t posted a blog in awhile because we have been just a little bit busy with the arrival of our sweet little girl, Addilyn. There are many, many things that I have been reflecting on over the past few months and now I am hoping to find time to start sharing a couple of them.

One thing I have been pondering is how both men and women are created in God’s image, yet how women are given the unique privilege to bring forth life. Genesis 1:27 says, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” God formed man out of dust and then, from the man, he fashioned a woman. However, from woman all mankind continues to exist. What an honor it is that God chooses to continue the work of creating people through the wombs of women. How incredible it is that he created our bodies to adjust in many ways to meet the needs of a growing baby. He fashions each person to be a unique and special individual. Our bodies, only by the grace of God, sustain life! While our baby is still in the womb we can do nothing but wait to meet our sweet new treasure. During childbirth, only God can give women the strength to endure pain in hopes of holding her new miracle.

In addition to the physical symbolism of life giver, women can also be spiritual life-givers. Because we do not naturally love God, He sent his Son, Jesus, to show us how to live, teach us about God, and die in our place, taking on himself the judgment we deserved. He then rose from the dead, and rules with God. If we turn from our sinful ways to trust in Jesus, we receive his Spirit and can live for his glory with a new life. This is the GOSPEL! By sharing the Gospel with others we can offer new life through Jesus. God has given us the privilege to share this message for His glory. In addition, we can pour into other believers teaching them as Christ has taught us and loving them like Christ has loved us, this is how we can ALL be life-givers.

I could elaborate and write much more, but I will stop for now and just stand in awe of the Lord and the blessing and honor he has given to me as a woman.

“And Adam called his wife’s name Eve, because she was the mother of all living.” - Genesis 3:20

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thank you.

It’s been awhile since I last wrote, but in preparation for our daughter Josh and I have been extremely busy. One thing keeping us so busy is taking in all the blessings our friends and family have been pouring out on us through baby showers. We had two different showers in Atlanta from family, a shower in Wake Forest, a shower at our church, and a shower at Josh’s work. Yes, FIVE baby showers in two months! Addilyn has everything she needs until it’s time to potty train! So, I just wanted to take a sec and let everyone know how thankful and how blessed we feel. We really appreciate the love that’s been demonstrated to us. Thank you so much!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Another Reminder That God Is In Control

On our way home from church one Wednesday night towards the end of January I began having some pains on the left side of my stomach. They were not very strong and I just assumed Addilyn had shifted and was pressing on something. However, when we got home, I went to the restroom and I was bleeding pretty heavily. We spoke with my doctor and he suggested I rest with my feet up for awhile and then check to see if the bleeding had slowed down. I was to go immediately to the hospital if the bleeding was still heavy but if it had slowed I was encouraged to rest until the morning and then go into the office as soon as they opened the next day. As I was laying on the couch, my lower left side of my back started to have a piercing pain; however, after checking again it was obvious that the bleeding had slowed down. Praise the Lord! I cautiously took a shower and got ready for bed. As soon as I laid down in bed Addilyn started shifting around. She was kicking harder than she ever had before and I was SO thankful. I have never felt relief sweep over me like it did in that instant.

First thing the next morning we went to the doctor. They did several different ultrasounds, a stress test, heart rate checks, tests to check for contractions and preterm labor, and a few other things. Everything looked good! They were unable to determine what had caused the bleeding and it did not seem that I was having any preterm contractions; however, they want me to continue monitoring everything. They gave me another Rhogam shot and told me to rest for the next few days.

Once again, I was reminded that I’m not in control. Only God is, and he works all things together for the good of those who love him. So, praise the Lord for His sovereignty and for yet again pouring out tons of grace and mercy on our family. Praise Him for allowing my body to heal and for allowing Addilyn to continue to grow and stay healthy.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

My Reminders

I’ve never felt anything comparable! Around Thanksgiving I began feeling Addilyn’s little flutters and right before Christmas Josh actually felt her kick. I absolutely love the little thuds (even when they wake me up in the middle of the night). Her movements are a constant reminder of God’s amazing blessing to us. Lately, she has started to kick a little harder. Hard enough in fact, that tonight was the first time Josh and I actually saw my belly move! Being pregnant is so fun. Thank you Lord for allowing me to experience this! Praise God today for something He has blessed you with and that may be easily taken advantage of. Give Him the credit for working miracles in the little things.