Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's All In A Name

Okay, so I’ve had several people ask me how Josh and I came up with the name Addilyn Grace Kelly for our sweet little girl.  So, for all those who have asked…here’s the story:

When Josh and I were dating we had discussed potential baby names for our children.  This was not the best thing to do to guard your heart before marriage, but that’s a story for another day. Regardless, he and I had decided upon Abigail Grace Kelly and Ethan Brian Kelly.  For years we loved these names, but as we began trying to get pregnant we realized how common these names had become.  We both still liked Abigail and Ethan, but we began considering other possibilities. 

Looking at the meanings of boy names we decided on Josiah.  In Hebrew, Josiah means “the Lord saves” and in Aramaic it means, “the Lord cures.”  This was really symbolic to us because of all we had been through and all that God had done for us.  In addition, Josiah was a great king of Judah who found the book of the Law and removed the false idols from the temple during his reign. In the Kelly family, the eldest son of each generation has been given the name Brian.  So therefore, we had a little boy’s name:  Josiah Brian Kelly.

When we started fertility treatments we knew the possibility of having multiples was higher so we began thinking about names that would sound good together.  I liked Abby and Addi but for the longest time we could not decide on what Addi would be short for.  This past summer, Josh was working at a camp at his school and one week he had a little girl in his group called Adeline (ad-eh-line).  Right away we both liked it.  However, the more we considered it, we decided that we liked the softer sound of Addilyn (ad-eh-len).  This name means “noble or kind.”  We also decided to keep Grace because of the amount of grace that the Lord has shown us through our salvation and the entire process of trying to conceive.  Many have asked, but no, we did not choose Grace because of the actress Grace Kelly.  Although she was classy, beautiful, and married a prince; this was not our reason for giving our daughter the middle name Grace.

So, there you have it:  Our little Addilyn Grace, and maybe one day (Lord-willing) a little Josiah Brian.